Brueggers Bagel Bakery
594 New Loudon Rd
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Brueggers Bagel Bakery, Latham
Brueggers Bagel Bakery is a Delis business located at 594 New Loudon Rd in Latham. They can be reached at (518) 785-4961. If you click the "View Larger Map" link below you can put in your address to get driving directions to Brueggers Bagel Bakery at 594 New Loudon Rd. Below is a "Send" button which you can use to let us know that Brueggers Bagel Bakery can not be reached at 594 New Loudon Rd or at (518) 785-4961. You can find businesses similar to Brueggers Bagel Bakery by clicking Food or Delis links above, beside the Albany city name. Do you own Brueggers Bagel Bakery? If so please click the "Claim your free listing" image on the left to see why it is important to claim it.